
Are You

unable to find the right car and home care products or full product range e.g. gel, liquid, membrane or encapsulated EVA car fragrance?

losing the market share you deserve due to inferior product range & product quality?

looking for suppliers having end to end facilities like moulding, filling, packaging, testing, and validation by GCMS and SCM by advance ERP?

Do You Face Challenges

with poor processes, product quality, life, and performance leading to customer dissatisfaction?

due to product packaging, spillage of fragrance on the dashboard, customer claims, and reputation loss?

with over 87% project delays and 83% project failures due to limited research & development, poor design, and quality?

We Can Help You

J4S is the 4th largest global manufacturing company producing a high-quality range of car and home care products.


3.4 million sets per annum capacity and a backward integrated facility with design, development, moulding, and filling, packaging, testing & validation, all under one roof. Advance product design support by TATA ELXSI.

Product Quality

A state-of-the-art production and testing facility to ensure non- carcinogenic and high-quality fragrances.
Safe and FDA approved raw material.

Research & Development

Focusing on research supported by in-house engineering, design, and production of high-quality fresheners and other products that are elegant and fashionable.

Perfume Lab

Perfume Plant

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